Here are some important dates for you to know for coming back to school. You can view a complete events list on our website at any time. #WaterfordCares #WUSD
over 1 year ago, Waterford Unified School District
back to school
Parents and Guardians, We are currently experiencing problems with our phone server, and incoming phone calls are not getting through. We are working with our phone provider on a solution as quickly as possible. In the meantime, if you have an urgent matter and need to reach a school site, please call 1-209-874-2200. Thank you for your patience. Padres y tutores, Actualmente estamos experimentando problemas con nuestro servidor telefónico, y las llamadas telefónicas entrantes no se reciben. Estamos trabajando con nuestro proveedor de telefonía para encontrar una solución lo más rápido posible. Mientras tanto, si tiene un asunto urgente y necesita comunicarse con una escuela, llame al 1-209-874-2200. Gracias por su paciencia.
almost 2 years ago, Waterford Unified School District
YOU'RE INVITED! Join district administrators tonight for a FREE DINNER and brief presentation about the status of Waterford Unified School District, our challenges and successes, and our goals for students. 6-7:30pm, Jr High Gym, 12916 Bentley St
about 2 years ago, Waterford Unified School District
you're invited
We hope you all had a restful winter break. The weather has not significantly affected our campuses, and all students can return to school as planned tomorrow, January 11th. We look forward to seeing you soon.
about 2 years ago, Waterford Unified School District
Love Waterford will be working with Waterford High School to distribute 125 family meals for Christmas. Families in need can come to the WHS parking lot on December 23 from 3-4:30 to pick up groceries for their families. Meals are distributed first come-first served, drive-through style.
about 2 years ago, Waterford Unified School District
Tony Hoffman is one of the most famous and respected speakers in our nation on the topics of mental health and opioid use, and he is coming to Waterford High School this monday, November 14th, to tell his story to our community - "From Prison to the Olympics." Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity. Reserve your free tickets today by visiting our website ( Your registration enters you into prize drawings for a chance to win a 65" TV, gift baskets, gift cards, and more. Free childcare is available for ages 4-12. Doors open at 5:30pm and the presentation starts at 6pm. See you soon!
over 2 years ago, Waterford Unified School District
Tony Hoffman
We had a fantastic College and Career day at WHS! Students learned about the many different pathways they can choose after High School to pursue success. Thank you to all the colleges, first responders, technical schools, trade schools, military branches, and other organizations that inspired our students today!
over 2 years ago, Waterford High School
fire dept
The Homecoming Parade departs the High School at 1:15 today! Grab your spot on the parade route to see the amazing floats the students have built. The Wildcat Homecoming football game is tonight: JV starts at 5PM, Varsity at 7:15pm. The Homecoming king and queen will be announced during the varsity game's halftime show.
over 2 years ago, Waterford Unified School District