Immunization Information
By August 16, 2011, all students entering grades 7th through 12th, need to have the Tdap booster shot (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis Booster vaccine), or they will not be allowed to enter into school. If your student is scheduled to go to Summer School they must have proof of their Tdap booster shot prior to attending summer school classes. You can go to your regular doctor or to the Public Health Office to receive this booster. If your student has already received this booster shot, please bring a copy of the students shot record to the attendance office at Waterford Junior High, as soon as possible, to avoid any delays. The date for the booster must be the year 2003 or later, or after the student’s 7th birthday. If you have any questions in regards to this new California State Law (Assembly Bill 354), please visit www.shotsforschool.com.