About WUSD
Parents & Students
Human Resources
Welcome back to school. We are looking forward to another year of excellence, achievement, and success. This page contains important information about returning to school for the 2024-25 year, and answers some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from parents.
If you are new to our district, please visit our Online Registration page (left) to complete your enrollment. If you already have children in our district, but have another child starting school, you can add the new child through your existing parent portal.
If you are enrolled in our district through an interdistrict agreement, please ensure that you have an updated interdistrict form on file, as it is required to be renewed annually.
Returning students must complete an Annual Information Update every year. We encourage you to complete this as early as possible during the summer so that our support personnel can help you work through any problems you encounter.
To complete your annual update, log into your Infinite Campus parent portal. Go under "online registration" and select 2024-25 annual student information update.
Click on the ANNUAL UPDATE/NEW STUDENT link (left), to learn more about updating your parent portal, registering a new student, or required health forms/immunizations for students.
Round Up is an opportunity to take care of all your back to school paperwork, learn about the upcoming school year, get your child's classroom assignment, and meet your school site staff.
Each school site does Round Up a bit differently, so we recommend you call your school or refer to your parent letter for school site specifics. Regardless of school site, all students should come to round up with their Household Income Data Form and Student Device Agreement already completed. These forms can be found to the left in both English and Spanish.
In general, stations at round up might include the following:
Bus/Transportation information
Chromebook check ups/ check outs & Chromebook Insurance
Medical Information for the school nurses
Expanded Learning/After School Program Information
Teacher/Class Assignments
PE Uniforms
We encourage parents or guardians to make every effort to attend Round Up. It is the quickest and easiest way to get your child ready to start school. However, we understand that attendance is not always possible for a variety of reasons, including work conflicts. If you cannot attend your child's school Round-Up, then stop into the school site office after Round Up to turn in your paperwork. They will give you a ticket to take to the Information Technology department to handle Chromebook registration.
Please call the school site office ahead of time to verify that you have all the paperwork done ahead of time so that you do not have make multiple trips.
Moon School, Lucille Whitehead Intermediate School, Waterford Jr High, and Waterford High School all host Round Up before the start of school. Additionally, all of these school sites will also host Back to School Night during August. Please check each school site's calendar for specific dates.
All bus riders must complete a rider application and turn it into the transportation department prior to riding the bus. Visit our bus routes page to fill out an application.
It depends on which school they are enrolled at, and if student ID photos will take place during that school's Round Up. To discuss whether or not your Independent Studies child needs to attend Round Up, please speak the director of the Independent Studies Program, Sentinel Principal Tonya Bibbins. (209) 874-9017
Visit the CONNECT WITH US page to learn about the school-to-home communications methods used by Waterford USD, and how you can best stay informed about your child's school events.
Visit the EXPANDED LEARNING page to learn about our new before and after school program for students from TK-6th grade.
Learn more about our school district by visiting our DISTRICT INFORMATION page.
Our BUS ROUTES page contains bus rider application forms and other important information for our students who need transportation to or from school.