Music Instructor, Waterford Jr High School and Waterford High School
Music Studies
Last year was the beginning of musical education for many students at Lucille Whitehead Intermediate School (LWIS). Grades 4-5 laid the groundwork for continued music education by learning to read music, recognize notes, sing, and play the recorder. In addition, 6th grade students started learning instrumental music as part of the band, which allows them to learn any of the following instruments: the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, and percussion.
Lucille Whitehead Intermediate students showed off all their hard work at the 2022 LWIS spring concert.
At Waterford Junior High School (WJHS), there are two periods of band, where students continue perfecting their skills on their chosen instruments. During their time in High School, students can continue their musical education through further band instruction, while also having the option of singing in the High School Choir, or learning to play the guitar.
In 2023-24, our music program will begin to incorporate stringed instruments (orchestra) in junior high, including the violin, viola, cello, and bass.
WJHS/WHS 2022 Concert

Our musical all-star award recognizes students who have work exceptionally hard over the course of the year, and made great progress in their musical education as a result.
2022 Music All-Star Award Recipients, Waterford Senior High

Yarisleic Carino
"I really like that music is very international, and that it's a way anyone can communicate with each other. "
Nathan Gonzalez
"My favorite part about music class is the teamwork, and the sense that we can all make something by working together."
Fallon Mendoza
"My favorite part of music class is how much our music teacher encourages us to do better. We honestly feel like she cares a lot about wanting to do better. She makes it fun."
2022 Music All-Star Award Recipients, Waterford Junior High

Ava Parrett
"My favorite thing about school is music, my friends, and math. I goal of mine is to get a scholarship in music. My hobbies are playing the trumpet, painting, and soccer."
"Music is life itself."
Louis Armstrong
Ava's favorite quote
Yuridia Carino
"My favorite thing about school is band. A goal of mine is to keep my grades up and have a 4.0 GPA. My hobbies are volleyball, music, and hanging out with my friends."
"Hands up, sticks up."
Mrs. Legatos
Yuridia's favorite classroom quote
Lydia Willoughby
"My favorite thing about school is music, sports, friends, and math. A goal of mine is to play guitar fluently. My hobbies are sports, music, and art."
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."
Desmond Tutu
Lydia's favorite quote

Naomi Laguna
"My favorite thing about music class this year was learning to play the flute."
Kimberly Casillas
"My favorite thing about school is music class and learning to play the flute."
Laila Munoz
"My favorite thing about music class is Mrs. L. She is nice and patient with me when I need help."