The Educational Services department of Waterford Unified School District (WUSD) is dedicated to preparing WUSD students to meet the challenges of today. The Educational Services Department focuses on all areas of student services. These areas include but are not limited to Special Education, Child and Welfare and Attendance, Health Services, Student Records, Discipline and School Safety, Staff Development, Wellness and Nutrition, Home/Hospital instruction, and Homeless and Foster Care.
Looking for something specific? View these pages for more information:
Your child is being asked to take a survey at school mid-January. The survey includes questions about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues, as well as questions about school safety and the learning environment. Student participation in the survey is voluntary. Students in grades 5, 7, 9, 11 and all students at the continuation school will be asked to participate. Students in grade 5 will need to return a permission slip prior to the survey. Other grades may opt-out from taking the survey by emailing with the subject line, "opt-out". Please include your child's first and last name, grade level, and teacher in your email.
The survey is anonymous. No names or any other identifying information is connected to the answers except for the name of the school.
If you wish to view the survey, you may do so by clicking the link (left).
The Waterford Unified School District is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children's health, well-being, and ability to learn.
While on campus, our students have access to three healthy, no-cost meals a day. These meals accommodate the religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the student body in meal planning, as well as the special needs of students with food allergies. Both our nutrition and physical education programs foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical education. Learn more about our commitment to the health of our students by referring to the WUSD Wellness Policy and the Nutritional Services Page.
Nurses are available at all school sites to provide care for accidents and illness, and consult with parents about any other health concerns. Services include vision screening, hearing tests, first aid, and health counseling. Check with your school office to schedule an appointment.
To access Waterford USD health forms, visit the Student Health Page.
If you, your family, or a friend is experiencing homelessness, food insecurity, financial hardship, or other felt needs, the Educational Services department is here to help. We will he happy to help you locate the support resources you need. Some of the local health and wellness resources are listed on the Student Health Page.

The Waterford Unified School District employs a comprehensive approach to effectively support students and help them become well-rounded and successful citizens. Students at Waterford USD have access to a multi-tiered system of support for their social, emotional, and mental health. Each of our schools has access to a School Psychologist, Behavior Support Program Specialist (BSPA), Mental Health Clinician, and more, including access and information regarding outside agencies within the City of Waterford and the County of Stanislaus. Teachers and staff refer students to the appropriate support personnel as needed.
Academic counselors are available to assist students in understanding and meeting graduation requirements, and equip them for a successful future in their chosen career.
Learn more about our academic counselors and mental and emotional health services by visiting the SEL / counseling page. Learn about Waterford USD bullying policy and how you can keep your children safe on the internet by visiting the bullying and cyber safety page. Find additional mental health resources, and get access to 24-7 crisis lines on our mental health resources page.
The safety and security of Waterford Unified School District students and staff is of utmost importance. Crisis management plans and procedures have been established for all of the district’s schools. Staff members have an understanding of these plans, and are fully able to implement them as needed. District administrators also coordinate closely with city and county emergency management officials and law enforcement representatives to develop and update plans. In addition, all our schools have well-established security measures, including the RAPTOR system. To learn more about or school safety procedures, go to the school safety page, or read our comprehensive district safety plan.
Special Education means specifically designed instruction and related services, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique educational needs of individuals with exceptional needs, whose educational needs cannot be completely me with modification of the general instructional program. Special Education provides a full continuum of program options to meet the educational and service needs of individuals with exceptional needs in the least restrictive environment. This instruction can include a special education classroom, resource specialist program, general education setting, pull-out program, home instruction, instruction in hospital and institutions, and other settings, and instruction in physical education. (Ed. Code 56031, CFR Part 300.26)
To be considered special education, one or more of the following criteria must be met:
Hearing Impairment
Hearing and Visual Impairment
Speech and Language Impairment
Visual Impairment
Severe Orthopedic Impairment
Autistic-Like Behaviors
Intellectual Disability
Emotional Disturbance
Specific Learning Disability
Traumatic Brain Injury